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American Society for Cybernetics
ASC 2002 Conference
June 13-16, Santa Cruz
Biology, Conversation, Schizophrenia
Larry Richards
Transcription from presentation slides
The Schizophrenic Experience
Change in personality (loss of affect)
Anxiety -- restless, talks louder or remains silent, unsure of self
Loss of interest in daily life
Obsession with things religious or sexual
Alcohol or drug abuse to dull pain
The Schizophrenic Experience (continued)
Lost in thought -- preoccupied
Voices from "nowhere" or from "inside"
Confusion of realities
Paranoia -- world as game / conspiracy
Unusual behavior -- as though a "cry" for help or attention (delusions of grandeur, self-deprecation)
Biological Explanation
Sensitivity to neurotransmitters
Genetic influences
"Physical" risk factors
Physiological collapse in the brain
Approach: Medication(s)
Social Explanation
Inability to adjust to an insane society (Szasz)
Absent or conflicting affect in family -- "double bind" (Bateson)
Separation of self observed by others (role) from "inner self" (Laing)
Approach: "Dialogic" therapies
Dynamics of interaction
Source of perturbation
Stimulus for thinking
Resolution / dissolution of conflict
Medium for "expressed emotion"
Everyday conversation vs. "designed" conversation
Cybernetic Ideas
Two-value vis-à-vis multi-valued logic (world as right / wrong, good / evil, taking sides)
Dynamics vis-à-vis causality (separation of rationality / emotionality, mind / body)
Autonomy vis-à-vis control (confusion of self-projection / self-observation)
Self as object vis-à-vis process (obsession with self depreciation / aggrandizement)
Concluding Thoughts
Orientation to dynamics
Personal logics: coping with ambiguity
Partners in language
Soceity: participation vs. self-esteem
Prospects / pitfalls of cognitive therapy
Role for medication
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HTML transcription: Randy Whitaker, October 2002