Andrew Owen Brightman's Workshop: An Introduction to Contemplative/Authentic Movement as a Practice of Deep Listening

12 Aug 2011 - 16:30

The practice of Authentic Movement can provide a rich path to original creative insights and to a deeper sense of listening or paying attention.  Also known as Contemplative Dance, this simple yet profound movement form involves the interplay of the body and psyche in an expression of active imagination.  In this workshop, I will facilitate an experience of moving from the inner impulse; an impulse to be active or to be still, that often arises from ‘listening’ to the knowings and experiences that reside deep in the subconscious of each individual. As a facilitator, I will serve as witness for the group. This role provides a safe space to participate (often with closed eyes) and provides a level of feedback and facilitation of response that is sensitive, non-judgmental, and reflective of the individual’s movement session as experienced from another’s perception. Time will be provided for creative process using journaling, drawing, or other art forms to bring to fuller consciousness the content gathered through this listening practice; i.e. the process of active imagination that occurred during the movement session. All experience levels are welcomed. Bringing a journal or notebook to record or reflect on personal experiences is encouraged. The workshop will be limited to a maximum of 25 participants and will require a room with open floor space for moving around.

Workshop facilitator: Andrew Owen Brightman
Workshop duration: 1 hour

You can sign up for this event below (not more than once, please. You need to log on to this website first to access the sign-up interface). If you signed up and you would like to cancel, please email the ASC Secretary.

This workshop will be conducted in parallel with Aartje Hulstein’s workshop, Elizabeth Simpson’s second workshop and Mark Johnson’s workshop. Please choose one to take part in and do not sign up for more of these four workshops. You may mention your second choice out of these four workshops in the comment box below to mark where you would like to go if this workshop is under- or over-subscribed.

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