Chathurika Kannangara’s Details

Chathurika Kannangara

Chathurika Kannangara


Biographical Info: I am a PhD research student in University of Bolton, UK. I am a Sri Lankan studying for my PhD in UK. I have attended the last year (2013) ASC conference which was held at University of Bolton and I found the field of Cybernetics as an interesting area after attending the conference last year. I was awarded the Heinz von Foerster Award 2013 by the ASC. This was a surprise which came in my way since I walked in to the ASC 2013 conference with a minimal level of knowledge on Cybernetics, but I have managed to present my concepts relevant to the conference theme and which are from Sri Lankan context. However , at the conference I have learned that Cybernetics can be applied in many areas. Since then I started exploring the subject and trying to understand the connections between my research area of ‘Positive Psychology’ and Cybernetics.
I am very much looking forward to attend this years conference.