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Accommodation at UBCA variety of comfortable, reasonably priced accommodation is available on campus at the Walter Gage Residence within easy walking distance of the meeting venues. There is a limited number of private washroom suites and these are assigned on a first-come first-served basis. Reservations received by May 15, 2001 will be confirmed in writing.
*All rates subject to applicable taxes, currently 8% PHT (Provincial Hotel Tax) and 7% GST (Goods and Services Tax). Non-Canadian visitors may claim a rebate of the GST when leaving Canada. The registration form will be available online soon. For more information, you may contact the Reservations Office by e-mail at reservation@housing.ubc.ca, or by phone at 1 (604) 822-1000. To ensure that you receive the special conference rate, please be sure mention the name of the conference (ASC 2001) when contacting the Reservations Office .
Hotel Accommodation For those who prefer to stay in a hotel, Vancouver offers a wide selection of hotel accommodation. For information and reservations, visit the Tourism Vancouver website. UBC is approximately 20 minutes drive from downtown Vancouver. |