Where should I publish?
There are many journals and places to publish. In this page we compiled the journals we consider relevant for members of the ASC in the areas of cybernetics and systems. This is not exhaustive. It is offered as a starting point.

Cybernetics and Human Knowing (CHK)

Quarterly international multi- and interdisciplinary journal that focuses on second-order cybernetics, autopoiesis, and cybersemiotics.

URL: Cybernetics and Human Knowing (CHK)

Owner/Publisher: Imprint Academic

Focus/Themes: Second-order cybernetics, autopoiesis, cybersemiotics, interdisciplinary research

Why should I publish there: It provides a platform for researchers and practitioners interested in the intersection of second-order cybernetics, autopoiesis, and cybersemiotics. It promotes transdisciplinary discussions and offers insights into the self-organizing processes of information in human knowing, fostering new perspectives and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

Open access policy: Subscription-based (individuals or institutions) with some open access articles. For full-text access to the articles that are published in the subcription-based track, readers need a subscription or need to be affiliated with a library with a relevant subscription package. 

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based track. There is no information about gold open access fees on the journal’s website.

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: The editorial team is working on getting the journal indexed in Scopus or the Web of Science, but currently it is not not.

Publication frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

ISSN: ISSN 0907-0877 (print), ISSN 1756-6177 (online)

Format: Both online and print

Constructivist Foundations

Constructivist Foundations is a journal that focuses on constructivism as a theoretical framework for understanding knowledge, cognition, and learning. It explores the implications of constructivist theories in various domains, including psychology, education, and philosophy.

URL: Constructivist Foundations

Owner/Publisher: Independent Publishing Group

Focus/Themes: Constructivism, epistemology, cognition, learning

Why should I publish there: Constructivist Foundations offers a unique platform for researchers interested in constructivist approaches to knowledge and learning. It encourages interdisciplinary dialogue and promotes innovative perspectives in the field.

Open access policy: Fully open access.

Free to publish?: No publication fees for authors.

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). Indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science.

Publication frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

ISSN: 1782-348X

Format: Online


A journal that covers the broad field of cybernetics and systems thinking. It publishes research on various aspects of cybernetics, including control systems, information processing, and complex adaptive systems.

URL: Kybernetes

Owner/Publisher: Emerald Publishing

Focus/Themes: Cybernetics, systems thinking, control systems, information processing

Why should I publish there: Kybernetes has a long-standing reputation in the field of cybernetics and systems thinking. It provides a platform for researchers to present their work on diverse topics related to cybernetics and offers opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Open access policy: Hybrid model with both subscription-based and open access articles.

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based publishing track. No embargo period for green open access. The Article processing charges (APC) for gold open access are available from the Emerald website.

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in Scopus, the Web of Science and other relevant databases

Publication frequency: Bimonthly (6 issues per year)

ISSN: 0368-492X

Format: Both online and print

Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Systems Research and Behavioral Science explores the interdisciplinary aspects of systems thinking and behavioral science. It emphasizes practical applications and understanding of complex social and organizational systems.

URL: Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Owner/Publisher: Wiley

Focus/Themes: Systems thinking, behavioral science, complex systems, practical applications

Why should I publish there: It provides a platform for researchers interested in the integration of systems thinking and behavioral science. It promotes interdisciplinary research and offers insights into the complex dynamics of human and social systems.

Open access policy: Hybrid model with both subscription-based and open access articles.

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based publishing track. For open access article processing charges see the journal’s website.

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, and other relevant databases

Publication frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

ISSN: 1099-1387

Format: Both online and print

World Futures

World Futures is a journal that explores future studies, futures thinking, and foresight methodologies. It covers a wide range of topics related to the future of society, technology, environment, and human development.

URL: World Futures

Owner/Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Focus/Themes: Future studies, futures thinking, foresight, societal development

The Journal’s aim is to: Research, develop and articulate the new paradigm of cosmos, life, consciousness and society emerging at the cutting edge of contemporary research. The journal provides a venue for leading edge, creative, transdisciplinary contributions. It encourages the application of new ways of thinking and approaches that draw on the intersection of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. World Futures welcomes critiques of limiting assumptions, as well as the development of new perspectives, on human nature, consciousness, society, and the nature of the universe. The journal is focused on the exploration, articulation, and application of human potentialities, and the implications for building a sustainable and humanistic future. It accepts articles, research notes and book reviews and invites essays relevant to its aim in all fields of interest from the sciences to the humanities.

Special Issues, usually entrusted to guest editors, focus on particular problems, themes or topics of current theoretical or practical relevance, specified in consultation with the Editor. They may encompass one to two issues within a given volume. 

Why should I publish there: World Futures offers a platform for researchers interested in studying and shaping the future. It provides a multidisciplinary perspective on various aspects of future studies and encourages innovative thinking and foresight methodologies.

Open access policy: Hybrid model with both subscription-based and open access articles

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based publishing track. For open access article processing charges see the journal’s website (very high fees).

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, and other relevant databases

Publication frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

ISSN: 0260-4027

Format: Both online and print

Technoetic Arts

Technoetic Arts is a journal that explores the convergence of art, science, and technology. It focuses on the creative and critical aspects of art and technology, covering topics such as digital media, interactive installations, and technoetic aesthetics.

URL: Technoetic Arts

Author guidelines: https://ta.pubpub.org/pub/authors

Calls: https://ta.pubpub.org/calls

Owner/Publisher: Intellect

Focus/Themes: Art, science, technology, digital media, interactive installations

Why should I publish there: Technoetic Arts provides a platform for artists, scholars, and researchers exploring the intersections of art and technology. It promotes dialogue between the creative and scientific communities and showcases innovative approaches to technoetic aesthetics. The journal was founded by media arts pioneer Roy Ascott and has always had strong ties to the cybernetics community. In 2021, Technoetic Arts published a special issue from the contributions to the ASC 2020 Global Conversation (ASC2020) conference.

Open access policy: Hybrid model with both subscription-based and open access articles. For full-text access to articles published in the traditional subscription-based publishing track, readers need a subscription or be affiliated with a library with a relevant subscription package. Scholars affiliated with an academic library in the UK, for example, typically have access to full articles due to their library’s EBSCOhost subscription.

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subsciption-based publishing track. There is a twelve months embargo period for green open access. For Article processing charges (APC) in the gold open access track see the Intellect website

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes. Articles are double blind peer-reviewed.

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in Scopus, Emerging Souces Citation Index, and other relevant databases

Publication frequency: Biannually (2 issues per year)

ISSN: 1477-965X

Format: Both online and print

Enacting Cybernetics

Enacting Cybernetics is an open access journal focused on exploring and developing the various ways in which cybernetics can be practiced in the world. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines and domains, including action research, architecture and design, creative arts, family therapy and counseling psychology, management and organization, and pedagogy. The journal seeks to develop the core ideas of cybernetics in practical and creative contexts, fostering new critical perspectives and enriching scientific and technical approaches.

URL: https://enacting-cybernetics.org

Owner/Publisher: The Cybernetics Society

Focus/Themes: Cybernetics, practice, transdisciplinarity

Why should I publish there: Enacting Cybernetics offers a platform to deeply engage with cybernetics and its possibilities in various domains. It encourages contributions that develop the transdisciplinary nature of cybernetics and promote new insights and practices.

Open access policy: Immediate open access

Free to publish?: No publication fees for authors

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Not specified

Publication frequency: Continuous volume and issue throughout the year

ISSN: 2754-5512

Format: Online

Cybernetics and Systems

Cybernetics and Systems focuses on cybernetics, systems science, and engineering. It covers a wide range of topics, including complexity, control, and communication in various domains.

URL: Cybernetics and Systems

Owner/Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Focus/Themes: Cybernetics, systems science, systems engineering, complexity, control, communication

Why should I publish there: Cybernetics and Systems provides a platform to publish research in the fields of cybernetics, systems science, and engineering. It covers diverse topics and offers opportunities to contribute to the advancement of cybernetics and systems thinking.

Open access policy: Hybrid open access options available

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based publishing track. For open access article processing charges see the publisher’s website

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in various databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.

Publication frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 0196-9722 (print), 1469-6682 (online)

Format: Both print and online

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics includes computational approaches to the field of cybernetics. Specifically, the transactions welcomes papers on communication and control across machines or between machine, human, and organizations. The scope includes such areas as computational intelligence, computer vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, fuzzy systems, cognitive systems, decision making, and robotics, to the extent that they contribute to the theme of cybernetics or demonstrate an application of cybernetics principles.

URL: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

Owner/Publisher: IEEE

Focus/Themes: Cybernetics, computational intelligence, control systems, communication networks, machine learning

Why should I publish there: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics is a highly regarded journal in the field, known for publishing high-quality research and covering a broad range of topics within cybernetics and computational intelligence.

Open access policy:  Hybrid open access options available

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based publishing track. For open access article processing charges see the publisher’s website

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in various databases such as IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Web of Science.

Publication frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 2168-2267

Format: Online

IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine

IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine focus on practical applications of cybernetics and systems research. It features case studies, industry insights, and real-world applications. The magazine aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of systems and cybernetics.

URL: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine

Owner/Publisher: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

Focus/Themes: Practical applications of cybernetics, systems research, case studies, industry insights, real-world applications

Why should I publish there: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine provides a unique platform for researchers and practitioners to showcase their work on practical applications in the field of cybernetics and systems. It offers the opportunity to reach a broad readership interested in the implementation and impact of cybernetics in various domains.

Open access policy: Hybrid open access options available

Free to publish?: Free to publish for authors if they publish their article in the subscription-based publishing track. For open access article processing charges see the publisher’s website

Publishes peer-reviewed material?: Yes

Indexes/Ranking: Indexed in various databases such as IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Web of Science.

Publication frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 1094-6977

Format: Online

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