ASC 2020 Global Conversation
of the online conversations on September 12-13 2020
This event is held in coordination with the British Cybernetics Society’s virtual event “Cybernetics and the 21st Century: Stories of Practice.”
The ASC invites you to participate in the “ASC 2020 Global Conversation,” September 12-13. This event will consist of a series of live online conversations running across two days and various time zones. Online conversations will be organized as moderated panel discussions, where panelists interact with each other and the audience. Panelists will provide brief pre-recorded presentations, which will be available for advance viewing by all registrants.
Call for Presentations / Panels
To participate in a panel discussion, please submit a video recording up to ten minutes in length and a brief description of it. Lengthier recordings can be accepted but should be cut into several segments of 10 minutes each. Group submissions are accepted and encouraged (to form 1 hour themed panels) subject to availability of time slots. Panelists will be grouped for a one-hour time slot consisting of a moderated conversation for 30 minutes, followed by a brief breakout session for viewers to develop questions for the panelists to respond to. The remaining time of the one hour time slot will be dedicated to discussion driven by the audience. For proposals of themed panels, please contact the organizers.
Submit pre-recorded presentations to:
Inquiries (ASC):
Inquiries (Cybernetics Society):
Submission deadline for pre-recorded presentations (EXTENDED): August 31
This virtual event will be held in coordination with the British Cybernetics Society’s event “Cybernetics and the 21st Century: Stories of Practice.” Schedules for both events are coordinated such that participants will be able to take part in both events. Participants are kindly requested to register with BOTH the ASC and CYBSOC. For more details and registration at CYBSOC, see here.
Registration Details
Registration deadline: September 11. After registration, access codes for all conversations will be sent to you.
Registration: Registration is required for all participants including those who do not participate in a panel discussion.
Cost: The event is free to all current ASC Members and all current CYBSOC members.
To Register: Follow the Link to the Registration Page. There is no fee to register, but non members of the ASC will be requested to join or to make a self-determined contribution.
Joining/Renewing: To join or renew follow the link ASC2020 Membership to ASC’s 2020 Membership Page hosted by Cvent. (Memberships are good for one year.) Alternatively, follow the link on ASC’s webpage:
Non-Member Contributions: Non-members wishing to participate are requested to make a Self-Determined Donation to the ASC via PayPal. . Follow the yellow ‘Donate’ Button at the bottom right on our website. (Before or after the event — your choice.)
Event Schedule
Saturday 12th September 2020
- UK 10am to 11am / New York 5am to 6am – ASC/CybSoc Welcome/Keynote
- UK 11am to 1pm // New York 6am to 8am – CYBSOC
- UK 1pm to 2pm // New York 8am to 9am – ASC Session 01 – “Governing in the time of COVID and our climate emergency based on The Hidden Power of Systems Thinking – Governance in a Climate Emergency”
- UK 2pm to 3pm // New York 9am to 10am – ASC Session 02 – “How to Untangle Ourselves: Cybernetic Action for Social Change”
- UK 3pm to 5pm // New York 10am to 12noon – CYBSOC
- UK 5pm to 6pm // New York 12 noon to 1pm – ASC Session 03 – “Cybernetics and Design”
- UK 6pm to 7pm // New York 1pm to 2pm – ASC Session 04 – “Systems and Cybernetics”
- UK 7pm to 8pm // New York 2pm to 3pm – ASC Session 05 – “Playing with Beauty, Good, Truth, and Economy: Are they necessary and sufficient determinants of social systems?”
Sunday 13th September 2020
- UK 11am to 1pm // New York 6am to 8am – CYBSOC
- UK 1pm to 2pm // New York 8am to 9am – ASC Session 06 – “Cybernetics, Systems and Sustainability”
- UK 2pm to 3pm // New York 9am to 10am – ASC Session 07 – “Cybernetics, Art and Composition”
- UK 3pm to 5pm // New York 10am to 12noon – CYBSOC
- UK 5pm to 6pm // New York 12 noon to 1pm – ASC Session 08 – “#NewMacyMeetings #1 Why Can’t Cybernetics Tame Pandemics?”
- UK 6pm to 7pm // New York 1pm to 2pm – ASC Session 09 – “Designing Better Futures”
- UK 7pm to 8pm // New York 2pm to 3pm – ASC Session 10 – “Cybernetics and Artistic Inquiry”
- UK 8pm to 8:15pm // New York 3pm to 3:15pm – ASC Session 11 – Closing
Keynote Speaker: Anthony Hodgson
Anticipation in a World of Radical Uncertainty – Lessons From 2nd Order Cybernetics

Speaker Bio:
Anthony Hodgson, Ph.D, F.R.S.A., Member IFF
Anthony Hodgson is a founding trustee of H3Uni – towards a university of the third horizon. This as an initiative born out of the recognition by a small group of foresight and strategy practitioners that most higher education does not address the huge shift in the skills of collaboration and resilient thinking that are needed to successfully navigate a turbulent world challenged by major issues not previously experienced on a global scale.
Anthony Hodgson has over forty years of experience of providing consulting and facilitation services in foresight and strategy to major corporations and in the public sector in the UK. It is in this role that Anthony Hodgson developed new methods of participative repatterning of shared thinking in groups As an experienced practitioner of systems thinking and scenario futures methods and as a founder member of the International Futures Forum think tank working especially on transformative innovation and new methods of cooperation to match the needs of the Anthropocene.
Anthony Hodgson’s doctorate is in systems science from the University of Hull. As a Research Fellow with the University of Dundee Anthony Hodgson is currently doing original work on integrating foresight methods with systems thinking and modelling through second-order cybernetics, phenomenology of time perception and futures methods. As well as published papers Anthony Hodgson has published a book on some of this work titled Systems Thinking for Turbulent Times: A Search for new perspectives (Routledge, 2020). Contact: anthony.hodgson[at]