ASC 2020 Global Conversation – Session ASC00
Joint Welcome ASC 2020 / CYBSOC 2020 and Joint Keynote Saturday
Saturday September 12 2020
Duration: 1 hour
Starting at: Sydney 7pm, Shanghai 5pm, Moscow 12noon, London 10am, Frankfurt 11am, Sao Paulo 6am, New York 5am, Chicago 4am, Vancouver 2am
ASC2020 Global Conversation Keynote
Speaker: Anthony Hodgson
Anticipation in a World of Radical Uncertainty – Lessons From 2nd Order Cybernetics

Speaker Bio:
Anthony Hodgson, Ph.D, F.R.S.A., Member IFF
Anthony Hodgson is a founding trustee of H3Uni – towards a university of the third horizon. This as an initiative born out of the recognition by a small group of foresight and strategy practitioners that most higher education does not address the huge shift in the skills of collaboration and resilient thinking that are needed to successfully navigate a turbulent world challenged by major issues not previously experienced on a global scale.
Anthony Hodgson has over forty years of experience of providing consulting and facilitation services in foresight and strategy to major corporations and in the public sector in the UK. It is in this role that Anthony Hodgson developed new methods of participative repatterning of shared thinking in groups As an experienced practitioner of systems thinking and scenario futures methods and as a founder member of the International Futures Forum think tank working especially on transformative innovation and new methods of cooperation to match the needs of the Anthropocene.
Anthony Hodgson’s doctorate is in systems science from the University of Hull. As a Research Fellow with the University of Dundee Anthony Hodgson is currently doing original work on integrating foresight methods with systems thinking and modelling through second-order cybernetics, phenomenology of time perception and futures methods. As well as published papers Anthony Hodgson has published a book on some of this work titled Systems Thinking for Turbulent Times: A Search for new perspectives (Routledge, 2020). Contact: anthony.hodgson[at]