Events in 2024

  1. Cybernetics Salons: ASC Speaker Series
  2. New Macy Meetings
  3. Activities, Initiatives, Conferences
  4. Cybernetics and systems organizations calendar
  5. Past events

ASC Speakers Series Season #5: Fresh Eyes / New Voices

Virtual conversations on cybernetic topics from a diverse group of theorists and practitioners.

Formats alternates between interviews, presentations, conversations, and more. They are typically held on the third Sunday of each month at 12:00 EDT.

Acting with the World: The Choreography of Agency [Conversation]
Sunday, Mar 16 | 9:00 PT, 12:00 ET, 17:00 CET


Acting with the World: The Choreography of Agency [Conversation]
Sunday, Mar 16

Cybernetics and Political Organisation [Conversation]
Sunday, Jan 19

Older ASC series



A revival of the original Macy Meetings, the trans-disciplinary conversations at the founding of Cybernetics in the 1940s and 1950s, redefined for the 21st century to include trans-global and trans-generational participation.

List of events #NewMacy Meetings

Activities, Initiatives, Conferences

Art, Cybernetics, and Education: Conversations with Roy Ascott [Conversation]
Sunday, Mar 23, 2025 | 10am ET, 3pm CET, 10pm China

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