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Expression of Interest

To participate in the 2013 ASC Conference Acting-Learning-Understanding (and, through joining, to apply to participate in all the associated events) you will need to submit your Expression of Interest in Your ASC 2013 Profile, here on the Conference Description site.

Please be reminded that this conference is not about paper presentations but about conversations. Participants should share an interest to listen and to converse. The premise is not to listen to known answers, but to become involved in developing new questions.

If you wish to participate, then please send us a Statement of Interest of no more than 400 words. In this statement please outline your interest in participating in the conference and how you wish to contribute to it. This statement will form the basis to consider an invitation to participate in this conference.

Note: you will need to create two separate user identities (and passwords, with strict security requirements): One here on the Conference Description Site (in order to access Your ASC 2013 Profile) and one on our Conference Registration Site. This is to guarantee security not only of your personal details, but also of your payments.