Please help us by indicating if you will attend the pre-conference on the conference registration site (after setting up your account there).
To registered conferees there is no charge for attending the Pre-conference.
Pre-Conference Day One: 28 July
The first day of the Pre-conference (Sunday 28-Jul-2013) has two main functions. The first is for the ASC to transact its social and societal business. The first element of the Pre-conference is the General Business Meeting of the ASC (in the afternoon of Sunday 28-Jul-2013), which consists in main of the President’s report. It is open to all, though only members in good standing may vote.
Pre-Conference Day Two: 29 July
The second is a chance for members and friends of the ASC to meet informally, to catch up and to re-establish old (and form new) relationships. We usually go to a local restaurant in the evening (individual payment) to continue this social event. This dinner is to provide an opportunity for people to tell the stories of the ASC, maintaining our “Oral Tradition”.
The second day of the Pre-conference (Monday 29-Jul-2013) is given over to tutorials in preparation for the conference. Many who have attended our conferences in the past have felt an empathy for our theme and subject, but have found it beneficial to attend an introductory tutorial in which the basics of cybernetics are introduced and discussed. There are three tutorial options available, with the possibility to sign up after the following links:
We will end the day with a Barbecue for conferees and their families. The Barbecue also serves as the welcoming event for the main conference. Please help us by indicating if you will attend and how many will be in your party on the conference registration site (after setting up your account there).
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