Thomas Wong’s Details

Thomas Wong

Thomas Wong

Lecturer, Ancient Balance Medicine Association
Researcher, Ancient Balance Medicine Research and Education Fund Foundation LTD


Biographical Info: Lecturer, Ancient Balance Medicine Education Center Ltd
Researcher, Ancient Balance Medicine Research Institute

2009-now Permanent Honorary President, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association, Hong Kong, China.

2006-now Liaison officer, Central and West region, Auxiliary Medical Service, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
1999-now Fellow of Australian Natural Therapist Association

1999 – Master of Engineering in Telecommunications (by research), Australia Telecommunication Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Australia.

1998 – Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou University of TCM, China. Include one year full-time internship in Guangdong Provincial hospital of TCM at different departments.

1992 – Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology with first class honours (by research), University of Western Australia, Australia.