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Karl H. Müller’s Details

Karl H. Müller

Karl H. Müller

Director, Wiener Institute for Social Science Documentation and Methodology (WISDOM)


Biographical Info: Since 2001, Karl H. Müller is head of WISDOM, Austria’s infra-structural centre for the social sciences and President of the Heinz von Foerster Society. Previously he was head of the Departments of Political Science and Sociology at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna.
His main research interests range from issues in complex modeling within the social sciences and from interdisciplinary analyses of innovation and risk processes in science, technology and society to the history and the current potential of inter- and transdisciplinary research as well as to the frontiers of second order cybernetics and radical constructivism.
His recent publications reflect these various interests, namely Advancing Socio-Economics (together with J. Rogers Hollingsworth and Ellen Jane Hollingsworth (eds.)) (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield 2002), An Unfinished Revolution? Heinz von Foerster and the Biological Computer Laboratory 1958 – 1976 (together with Albert Müller (eds.)) (Wien:edition echoraum 2007), Gordon Pask, Philosopher Mechanic (together with Ranulph Glanville (eds.)) (Wien:edition echoraum 2007), The New Science of Cybernetics. Towards the Evolution of Living Research Designs. Vol. I. Methodology (Wien:edition echoraum 2008), Three Roads to Comparative Research: Analytical, Visual, Morphological (together with Niko Toš (eds.)) (Wien:edition echoraum 2009), Modern RISC-Societies: Towards a New Paradigmof Societal Evolution (with Ivan Svetlik et al. (eds.)) (Wien:edition echoraum 2010), The New Science of Cybernetics. Towards the Evolution of Living Research Designs. Vol. II. Theory (Wien:edition echoraum 2011), The New Science of Cybernetics. Towards the Evolution of Living Research Designs. Vol. III. Research and Design Rules (Wien:edition echoraum 2012) and (together with N. Toš), Towards a New Kind of Social Science. Social Research in the Context of Science II and RISC-Societies (Wien:edition echoraum 2012)